The system is running in a test mode


“Hududgazta’minot” aksionerlik jamiyati

“Hududgazta’minot” aksionerlik jamiyati

“Hududgazta’minot” aksionerlik jamiyati

Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi huzuridagi Kadastr agentligi

Chief anti-corruption specialist of the Fergana regional office of the Cadastre Agency

Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi huzuridagi Kadastr agentligi

Chief Anti-Corruption Specialist of the Tashkent city Department of the Chamber of State Cadastres

Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi huzuridagi Kadastr agentligi

Head of the Anti-Corruption Division of the Chamber of State Cadastres

“Navoiy kon-metallurgiya kombinati” aksiyadorlik jamiyati

The officer in charge of Northern Mining Administration, Compliance service

“Navoiy kon-metallurgiya kombinati” aksiyadorlik jamiyati

The officer in charge of antimonopoly requirement, Compliance service

“O‘zavtosanoat” aksiyadorlik jamiyati

“Issiqlik elektr stansiyalari” aksiyadorlik jamiyati

Leading Specialist of the Compliance Control System Department

Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi

Chief specialist in anti-corruption control of the department of preschool and school education of the Bukhara region

Agrosanoat majmui ustidan nazorat qilish inspeksiyasi

Leading specialist of the Department of Control of the Use of Cotton Raw Materials, Grains and Products Derived from Their Processing

Qishloq xo‘jaligi vazirligi huzuridagi Qishloq xo‘jaligida xizmatlar ko‘rsatish agentligi